Produced by Ned McGowan & Bas Bouma
‘Benson Town’ recorded by Pramath Kiran at Laya Digi, Bangalore, India
‘Earthly Chants’ and ‘Wurgelguik’ recorded by Bas Bouma & Arjan de Wit at Room Service Music, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
‘Winter’s Breath’ recorded by Micha de Kanter at Splendor Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Mastered by Matthijs Ruijter at BK Audio, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Cover photos by Michel Marang, artwork by Susanna Borsch & Bas Bouma
All contrabass flute parts performed by Ned McGowan. Mridangam on ‘Benson Town’ performed by B.C. Manjunath. Piano on ‘Winter’s Breath’ performed by Keiko Shichijo.
All works composed by Ned McGowan, except ‘Winter’s Breath’ by Adrienne Albert. Scores are available at, and and Benson Town, co-composed by Ned McGowan and B.C. Manjunath.