Nijmegen and New York City, obviously


Tussentijd at Go Short got 2nd place in the audience awards and an honourable mention, which also mentioned the music:

Eervolle vermelding: Tussentijd – Christian van Duuren
De personages in zijn film zijn erg realistisch en vormen een fijn contrast ten opzichte van elkaar. De suspens was goed. We waren echt bij hen in de auto, aan het wachten op de ambulance. Een prachtige film met goede muziek en prachtig camerawerk.”
Honourable mention: Tussentijd – Christian van Duuren
The characters are very realistic and make for a nice contrast between each other. The suspense was good. We were really with them in the car, waiting for the ambulance. A beautiful film with good music and beautiful camera work.


Also, Bears on the Road was shown in New York City last week at the Animated Spirites Film Festival.


Bass clarinet by Jason Alder
Violin by Anna Sophie Torn
Viola by Adriaan Breunis
Cello by Remco Woutersen

Audio engineering and conducting by Arjan de Wit

Recorded and mixed Room Service Music